Child and Youth Ministries

Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Proverbs 22:6, and Ephesians 6:4 instruct parents to raise their children in the Faith of Christ Jesus. As such, it is the parents’ responsibility to disciple their children and be faith leaders for their children. The church’s responsibility is to equip and encourage parents to disciple their children, and the church should partner with families to create opportunities of growing faith in children. Therefore, we offer age-appropriate lessons which help engage children and seek to give them Biblical instruction with the ultimate goal of their salvation in Christ alone.

Children’s Ministry

We offer ministries for children every Sunday during the 9:00am worship service and during 10:45am Sunday School hour. We don't just offer basic childcare during these times, but instead we offer a fun, secure, and age-appropriate Biblical teaching. Our curriculum is Christ-centered and gospel focused so that our children learn about Jesus at a level at which they can understand. Most of our curriculum is based on Truth:78 and the Biggest Story resources.

Children’s Service & Nursery
9:00 am

Children’s Sunday School
10:45 am

During the Sunday service, we offer nursery care with a story time for babies, toddlers, and young children who are not yet fully able to use the restroom without assistance. We offer a full children’s service time for young children who are able to use the restroom without assistance up through elementary school-aged children.
Nursery Room 2: Babies & Toddlers
Nursery Room 1: Pre-Kindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten
Room 21: Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
Room 26: 3rd Grade - 6th Grade