Our Mission

Following Christ faithfully and proclaiming Christ truthfully leads to a fellowship of faith characterized by righteousness, love, and human flourishing. We long for all people to flourish through faith (rather than perish in unbelief). Therefore, we proclaim Christ and admonish everyone with wisdom from above.

For our congregation, flourishing in fellowship means at least these three aspects of discipleship: Roots, Fruits, and Shoots. As John 15 articulates, believers should be rooted in Christ by faith. Once rooted, Christians will bear fruit that glorifies God. This fruit-bearing leads ultimately to sending forth shoots of new life, reaching those who formerly did not know God and lived under the fear of death.

Each believer should establish roots, bear fruits, and send shoots. Establishing spiritual roots means practicing faith, getting baptized, joining the church, learning Christian beliefs, practicing Christian devotion, and sharing Christian love.

Bearing fruits means demonstrating spiritual growth through faith in Christ. Fruit-bearing shows up in giving, serving, loving, and growing through faith. Believers in fellowship should be leaving dead works to serve the living God (repenting, believing, growing).

Finally, sending shoots refers to our need to share the good news. Believers need to complete their joy in Christ by being instruments through whom God gives eternal life to others. Each believer in fellowship should be part of outreach, evangelism, and missions.

Our Mission

Following Christ faithfully and proclaiming Christ truthfully leads to a fellowship of faith characterized by righteousness, love, and human flourishing. We long for all people to flourish through faith (rather than perish in unbelief). Therefore, we proclaim Christ and admonish everyone with wisdom from above.

For our congregation, flourishing in fellowship means at least these three aspects of discipleship: Roots, Fruits, and Shoots. As John 15 articulates, believers should be rooted in Christ by faith. Once rooted, Christians will bear fruit that glorifies God. This fruit-bearing leads ultimately to sending forth shoots of new life, reaching those who formerly did not know God and lived under the fear of death.

Each believer should establish roots, bear fruits, and send shoots. Establishing spiritual roots means practicing faith, getting baptized, joining the church, learning Christian beliefs, practicing Christian devotion, and sharing Christian love.

Bearing fruits means demonstrating spiritual growth through faith in Christ. Fruit-bearing shows up in giving, serving, loving, and growing through faith. Believers in fellowship should be leaving dead works to serve the living God (repenting, believing, growing).

Finally, sending shoots refers to our need to share the good news. Believers need to complete their joy in Christ by being instruments through whom God gives eternal life to others. Each believer in fellowship should be part of outreach, evangelism, and missions.